SP Publications
International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES )
An International Peer Reviewed English Journal

Submission Guidelines - IJOES

Submission Guidelines


Editor of the Journal plays a significant role in establishing and maintaining the professional standards of the journal.
1. Your abstract should give all the initial required information like Title, Name(s) of the author(s), and Contact information.
2. The Abstract must be informative and can be 200 words in length along with a maximum of five key words.
3. You need to explain the reasons for your writing.
4. You need to describe the content of the work and the scope of the research.


1. The body of the article should only be in Times New Roman (12-point size) and 1.15 spaced paragraphs.
2. The word count of your paper should range between 2000–5000 words, including the abstract.
3. Authors should clearly insert all types of Images, Tables, and Figures in the manuscripts only.
4. Authors are strictly advised not to send Images, Tables, or Figures separately.
5. All references should be included to support the information in your paper.


1. The International Journal of English and Studies (IJOES) upholds its sovereignty and dignity and expects authors to follow the journal's rules and regulations.
2. It is the author(s)’ responsibility to ensure that all information contains sufficient details and references.
3. The research paper submitted should be previously unpublished and should not be under review by any other journal.
4. The author(s) should ensure that the work is original and due credit is given with proper references.
5. The author is responsible for submitting plagiarism-free work. Any unethical behavior will result in the rejection of the work.
6. The review period can take from one to three days. Authors can inquire about the status during this period.
7. Once the review process is complete, the author will be informed about the manuscript's status, either acceptance or revision.


Topic Style Font Size Text Align Spacing
Topic or Title of Paper Times New Roman 24 Bold Center 1.0
Author(s) Name(s) Times New Roman 10 Bold Center 1.0
Author(s) Designation Times New Roman 10 Normal Center 1.0
Affiliation Times New Roman 10 Normal Center 1.0
Postal Address for Sending Times New Roman 10 Normal Center 1.0